How do I add team members to Client Genie?

Depending on your Client Genie plan you may be able to add team members to your Client Genie account. You can add team members via the account dropdown and clicking "My Team".

There are two types of team members you can add:

  • Group Moderators: A group moderator account only has access to the "GROUPS" section in Client Genie. They will not be able to configure group integrations or delete groups or group members.
    • Starter: 1 Group Moderator
    • Business: Up to 10 Group Moderators
    • Unlimited: Unlimited Group Moderators
  • Sales Team Member: A sales team member has access to all of Client Genie's automation features for their Facebook profile, but will not be able to add other team members or adjust billing information. Additionally, like group moderators, they will not be able to configure group integrations or delete groups or group members.
    • Starter: 0 Sales Team Accounts
    • Business: Up to 3 Sales Team Accounts
    • Unlimited: Unlimited Sales Team Accounts

IMPORTANT: When you add team members they will receive an email with their password. They must login with the email you invited them under and NOT login with Facebook. Furthermore, all team members must have the Client Genie Google Chrome extension installed.

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