Why isn't Client Genie working?

There could be many reasons Client Genie is not working, but let's cover the typical reasons:

IMPORTANT: These troubleshooting steps resolve over 50% of support tickets. Please try the following steps before submitting a support ticket.

#1- You do not have the Google Chrome extension installed or the latest version installed.

Please ensure you have the latest version of the Client Genie Google Chrome extension installed: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clientgenie/ffpbbmhoankafcgegegimcjdjjllkigb

^^^ Click "Remove from Chrome" and then click "Add to Chrome".

#2- You need to clear your cache and reinstall Client Genie.

Sometimes your computer can have corrupt cached files which begin to create issues with Google Chrome extensions like Client Genie. To get rid of the corrupt cached files simply clear your all-time cache and then remove and reinstall Client Genie: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clientgenie/ffpbbmhoankafcgegegimcjdjjllkigb

^^^ Click "Remove from Chrome" and then click "Add to Chrome".

#3- You are tying to use Client Genie on a mobile device or unsupported browser or operating system.

Currently, Client Genie only works on laptops and desktop computers, running Mac OS X or Windows, with the Google Chrome (recommended) or Brave web browser installed. Furthermore, Client Genie only supports the English language on Facebook.

#4- You have a conflicting Google Chrome extension installed.

Sometimes other Google Chrome extensions, especially if they're related to Facebook, can interfere with Client Genie. When running Client Genie actions and experiencing issues, we recommend disabling or removing other Google Chrome extensions by following the instructions outlined here: https://support.google.com/chrome_webstore/answer/2664769?hl=en

#5- You are not logged into Client Genie or you're logged into the wrong account.

Please ensure that you are logged into the correct Client Genie account: https://app.clientgenie.ai/login

#6- Facebook has updated their platform.

The majority of the time Client Genie issues are related to reasons #1 - #5. Occasionally, Facebook does make updates to their platform which require us to patch Client Genie. If none of the above has resolved your problem, then please contact us and let us know.

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